Collection and Publication Fund

The goals of the Member Association KITLV include maintaining and expanding its collection with the aim to promote the study of the linguistics, ethnology and history of Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and the Caribbean. Dissemination and disclosure, elucidation and explanation of sources, themes and subjects relevant to the Association are important to reach and inform scientific as well as wider audiences. The Association supports members (and those willing to become members) in their initiatives in these areas. Activities might include: disclosure of and commenting upon archival materials or audiovisual collections, providing subtitles for documentaries, preparing the Open Access release of sources or books, museum projects, digitization projects etc.

The board prefers that the use of this fund will be geared at disclosure of the KITLV collection. Disclosure activities regarding other collections can only be considered for support if there is substantial co-financing, if the project directly benefits the goals of the member association and if this enriches the KITLV collection (for instance by adding a digital copy to the KITLV collection).

As disclosure is vital to attaining the Association’s goals, the KITLV board makes available  €15,000 annually for a Collection and Publication Fund.

These funds will be made available from the sum that was receive from Brill Publishers when KITLV Publishers joint its ranks. The association will keep operating the Collection and Publication fund until and including 2028. After that year an evaluation will be made to decide upon the desirability and financial possibilities to maintain this funding instrument.

An application for support can be submitted by members (and those willing to become members). Grants will be described and administered as subsidies. Matching is not mandatory but its presence or absence will be considered in de evaluation.

In order to ensure that people in different position within and outside of academia can make use of this fund, the available funds will be divided somewhat equally over two categories of applicants:

1). Applicants from outside the academic field: People who, by origin or historical processes, have a direct link with the geographic areas of interest, the themes and the goals of the Association are expressly invited to apply.

2). Academics: within this category researchers in the Research MA, PhD or Post-doc phase, who do not have a permanent contract with a university or research institute, are favored by the board.

Applications for support will meet the following criteria:
• Use of the application form provided
• A brief description of how and in what manner the publication or disclosure activity will contribute to the wider communication of and engagement with the themes and goals of the association.
• A description of the target audience and why it can be reached optimally in this manner.
• CV of the applicant(s)
• An argued and specified budget in which co-financing (secured or pursued) is included. The maximum grant is €3000. In the case of a commercial publication the applicant will provide the publishers budget which should include both cost and income.
• A time planning for the organization of the activity. What has been done, what needs to be done?

Proposals for Open Access support of scientific work executed in the direct service of a university or research institute will be excluded. In the opinion of the board, Open Access publication of such work is the primary responsibility of the employer, the academic institution, which should facilitate and finance Open Access channels for its employees.

Application dates
Per year there are two moments to apply, 15 January & 15 September, two weeks prior to a board meeting. Applications can also be submitted for activities planned for a date beyond the next application date.

The board of the Members’ Association will decide upon granting or rejecting an application and will inform the applicant of its decision. There is no possibility for appeal regarding decisions by the board.

Please note
In order to ensure that as many people as possible can profit from our fund, applicants (or direct associates) CANNOT, after receiving a grant, apply for a new project until one year after the completion and the finalization of the financial administration of the previously granted project.